Our Program
Camp groups
Each Camp group works together to plan each day of the coming week – balancing campsite needs and academics with things “just for fun”!
Daily Schedule
6:30 Wake-up, complete tent chores, read plans for the day, have a time of devotions.
8:00-9:00 Breakfast/sharing time in Chuckwagon
Morning activity the group planned
12:30-1:30 Lunch/sharing time in Chuckwagon
2:00-2:30 Siesta
Afternoon activity the group planned
5:30-6:30 Supper/sharing time in Chuckwagon
Evening Activity the group planned
8:15 Pow-wow (reflecting back over the day)
9:00 Bedtime
Family Involvement
Often sending their son to Camp is a much needed respite and time of healing for the other family members. And like their boy, each Camper’s family has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Parents meet during each 6-week session to share encouragement and learn the principles that Camp is teaching their sons. Weekly study assignments help each family learn and grow to have the structure, routine, and stability needed to raise a boy who is experiencing emotional instability. The progress made by both camper and family becomes evident as parents re-connect with their son during the extended visit when the boys spend 4-5 days at home following the end of each session. Families also come to Camp once every 90 days for evaluations with their son and special events like Families Day in the spring.

Experential Education
At Camp, all of life is up for investigation, and learning takes place every day, throughout the day, and in every situation the camper finds himself. Staying under budget while planning a menu that includes all of the food groups is so personal that he will not only eat it, but also serve it to his group so they can enjoy the experience together…or laugh at a small failure. Birds, flowers, aquatic life, and all of creation beg to be explored, experienced, and studied.
Writing an article about these experiences for the Camp newspaper, a letter home, making weekly plans, and trip plans all afford opportunity for language arts improvement in a personal way. Designing tents or even a bridge motivates to improve math skills. Six-week session themes bring history, geography, physics or economics alive to boys. At Camp, education is life-wide.

It is valuable to see how strong newly-formed habits have become when removed from the comforts and structures of Camp. Boys take fun and exciting trips away from Camp if they are willing to do the research and planning necessary for such an outing. A trip might have an educational theme like “Dairy” where farms, cheese plants, ice cream factories and retail dairy stores might be visited. Or it could take the form of a two-week canoe trip, or a three-week backpacking trip. Menus and food lists, gear and supplies lists, itineraries, restocking points, check-in places, and a host of other planning details help boys think ahead, be prepared, and plan for success. As they are away from the larger staff team, they learn to depend more on their Chiefs and group to handle the unexpected. Boys grow through Camp trips they participate in.
OWBC Outdoor Experiential School is registered as a Non-Chartered, Non-Tax Supported School with the Ohio Department of Education.